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The puzzle mechanics seemed pretty polished, but I wished that the enemies where a little more interactive. I feel bad killing them when they just chilling, but if I at least died when I touched them I would feel less troubled. Enemies that moved around or fired projectiles would be a nice addition as well. Not sure if this was meant to be implemented later or not.

Otherwise great start and excited to see the later stages!


Cool demo, I like it! The artstyle was very clean and the animations were nice but didn't detract from the play experience. The puzzles were a little easy, but you did a good job of showcasing all the mechanics of the game. I would've liked to see the mechanics of pushing blocks and shooting enemies overlap and work together more. Rarely did I encounter a situation where I wanted to push a block into a pit, but that would block my line of sight to an enemy, so I had to think up another solution. I think the greatest weaknesses of your puzzles right now is that the solutions are too straightforward, I never had to stop and think, "Oh crap, that doesn't work. How do I solve this then?". I usually just took the only movements I could take, and then the puzzle was already 50% solved. I'm not an expert at puzzle design so take my advice with a grain of salt, but I think it would be good to obfuscate the solution of the puzzles a bit more by creating more routes for error so the player really has to look ahead and figure out how they want to try and solve the puzzle before moving forward.

Overall, good demo!